We enjoyed our stay there as a whole. It is an interesting and excellent
place to visit. Even without the Hauntings, it is a great place. Somewhere, I've developed a penchant for old historical places,
I guess. The town is great too.
The Crescent is a very busy place to stay. There are always
people moving about, even in the wee hours of the morn. Both nights we were there, there was some kind of sick excuse for
a rock/blues band playing. I like live bands as much as the next guy, but this was just wrong. Plus they charged a cover to
watch them. We contented ourselves with wandering the hallways and floors.
We didn't experience much activity firsthand.
There were a few noises while on the ghost tour. They could have been staged for all we know. On one walk of the floors, on either the 2nd or 3rd, at the end of the hall, near the annex, the curtain moved. It looked as if
someone were walking behind it with it moving around them. Both Kelly and myself saw it happen. There may have been another witness as well. When we got down to the end of the hall I promptly busted
through the curtain and snapped a photo. Nothing but hallway appeared on that one. On a few photos in our room we took of
each other, we captured a few orbs. That is all we brought back besides a few cool
pictures (non paranormal) of the place.

This is a picture taken of Kelly in our room at the Crescent. The
orb at the top can be plainly seen here.

This one was of myself. Two barely visible orbs can be seen at the
top. They do not show up well on the scanned photo.