

Telko mini-alert motion detector (as ordered from the ghost hunter's store). Mostly used in a room
or area where you will not be walking in. This is used to alert you to the presence of anomolies in some areas. We hear it
works great in looking for high activity areas. This can be hung or set up virtually anywhere.

MultiDetector II gaussmeter. This picks up electromagnetic frequencies with several different filters
and settings. Excellent meter especially when compared to the Gaussmaster. This is a directional meter.

Gaussmaster gaussmeter. Basic gaussmeter for the budget ghosthunter. The range of emf it can pick
up is limited. This is a general area meter.

Kodak Max HQ disposable camera. Listed as the best disposable camera on the market. We agree.

Maglite flashlight. Excellent light for field use. Very bright when compared to most lights.
Easy to find bulbs for and extra batteries can be carried. One set of batteries will last for several hours.

Microcassette recorder and external mic. Useful in picking up Electronic Voice Phenomenon, or EVP.

FRS radios. Good way to keep in touch, both on the road to an investigation, and while wandering
a site.
Spend a little bit of money and get a good flashlight, not one of those $2 specials. I've seen many
a person use them and not be able to illuminate much, especially in those out of the way places. Not to mention they usually
are not very reliable. Don't get stuck in a bad horror movie where the light never wants to work when you need it. The brighter
and more reliable it is, the better. You can usually find a good light at Walmart or any hardware store for around $20. Maglight
and Smith&Wesson (yes, the firearms manufacturer) both make excellent flashlights. The S&W lights have Xenon
bulbs (which also happen to fit Maglights) that are very bright. Garrity also appears to make a decent light. Those $2 specials
can come in handy when used as backup lights, although we prefer LED lights as backups here. They are very reliable because
the bulbs last usually 100,000 hours or more. The batteries, depending on the particular type of LED light you have, will
generally last for up to 100 or 150 hours of continous use.






Radio Shack motion detector with remote that arms/disarms
it. This unit can be armed or disarmed in many different ways, with or without the remote, and appears a bit more versatile
than our other motion detector.

Standard GE audio cassette recorder.
Alternative to the microcassette recorder for capturing EVP. The external mic can also be used with this to eliminate internal

Sony Nightshot CCD-TRV68 Hi8 Videocamera. A must for catching moving orbs and other anomolies, using
infrared "nightvision" technology.

Sony IR (infrared) Extender. This extends the nightvision capabilities of the nightshot. It runs
on Sony camcorder batteries or can be switched to AA alkaline or AA rechargeable batteries.

Wide Angle lens for use with the nightshot. We recommend indoor use on this one, or areas where you
may not need to use the zoom in feature.

Tripod. This can be used with the videocamera, or most snapshot cameras.

Brinkman Rebel LED flashlight. Great backup light that uses very little battery power. It also has
red, blue, and amber lens covers.

Glowsticks or Lightsticks. For those times
when battery powered lights just don't seem to work. Even the military uses these in the field.

Extension cord. For those times when you have access to an electrical outlet. It helps save some
of your batteries, especially on the Nightshot camera.
One item not listed that is almost always a good
idea to carry with you is pepperspray. You
never know who or what you will meet up with when you are out and about, especially in those out of the way areas. Humans
are not the only danger out there. These will work on angry dogs and a host of other critters. Just ask your local mailman. There
is even a special formulation for bears.

